Medical & Dental Entrance Coaching

There are tonnes of materials that you can find on the internet for applying for medicine and dentistry school but how many of them can give you an affordable Medical Doctor or Dentist that can coach you 1-1 to help you get into Medical or Dental school?
Here at SS Tuition, we understand just how difficult it can be to get into medical and dental school, infact, it this year is predicted to be the hardest year ever to enter medical school with only 16% of applicants getting a place last year… but fear not – this is why our coaching programmes are designed on a 1-1 basis by a qualified doctor to help you get that dream choice!
We can help you every step of the way, whether that's:
Writing your personal statement
Tutoring you on UKAT
Coaching you for your interview!
We are affordable! Our 1-1 packages are simple:
£60 for a 60 minutes session lead by a qualified doctor
£199 for 4 x 60 minute
sessions lead by a qualified doctor
You can choose to cover ANY aspect of the below in your time
Doctor-Delivered Strategy
Get proven, expert interview strategies, straight from our qualified Doctors!
Personal Statements
We know what it takes to craft a stand-out application and will work with you to identify and develop storylines and themes in your writing, which makes for a more memorable and impactful personal statement.
UKAT tutoring
Learn how to ace your UKAT score by gaining a strong theoretical grasp and mastering the balance between accuracy and speed!
Mock interviews
We will help you with as many mocks as you need to practise speaking with confidence!
Popular MMI Simulation
Get realistic MMI interview practice and get expert feedback on your performance so you can identify and learn from your mistakes
Master Popular Questions
Learn how to navigate around the subject matter, such as personal insight, depth of interest, empathy, ethics, the med school, motivation and more!
Get To Know Your Dental and UKAT Coach
Dr Soni
Please introduce yourself:
My name is Dr Soni and I am a current Dentist in Hertfordshire!
How do you help students?
With over 5 years of experience coaching students and having previously studied at King’s College London, I help students 1-1 with top tips and tricks on acing the interview, their UKAT exam and creating outstanding personal statements.
What is your top tip for getting into Dentistry?
I'm truly spoilt for choice here, but here are my top 4:
First and foremost, an obvious one but you need to have good grades! If you put in your effort into everything else but dont get your grades, you’ve wasted your time and energy! Dont put yourself in a position of getting an offer but not managing to get those grades at the end! SS Tuition offers A Level 1-1 tuition so reach out to us if you need!
My second tip I have is to seek out work experience early. Your potential universities will be looking out for diverse experience, and stories from these so make sure you get this filled in on your portfolio with what you learned and how this affected your decision to apply.
Finally, don’t underestimate the power of a strong personal statement. This is your one and only chance to tell universities about yourself, so ensure it’s memorable for all the right reasons!
If you keep all of this in mind and take the time to plan ahead, Dentistry can be yours. It won’t be easy, but with dedication, hard work and the right attitude, you will get there soon enough. Best of luck!

Get To Know Your Medical Coach
Dr Theivendran
Please introduce yourself:
Hello! My name is Dr Theiv, and I am a Medical Registrar in Acute Medicine.
Why do you love what you do?
Medicine has been a passion of mine ever since I started learning about the intricacies of the human body. It is an extremely rewarding career and I want to inspire and pass on my knowledge to those thinking of applying to medical school with all my tips on how to stand out intervi-captions
What is your coaching speciality?
Personal Statements and Medical Interview Coaching. As a current Medical Registrar, and someone who has helped students with various stages of their medical interview. There are many hidden tricks and potential minefields during the application process that I can help mentor potential medics pass.
I know what it takes to stand out from the crowd and be seen in the interview as a future doctor. The medical application process is not just applying to med school, it is the first step in preparing for a life changing career!
Top tip for applying to medicine?
It’s SO important to practise for your interview early, so when the time comes you’re ready to impress. Make sure you focus on how you can really make a difference in this field, remind them of your qualifications and abilities and ensure that at the end of the interview you have demonstrated through your language and style of answering that you have every potential to become a Doctor and are worthy of a place at their university.
Getting this right means starting early, and with us you can practise the art of answering with confidence, knowledge and ambition!
"My daughter had the opportunity to have medicine interview training with Dr Theivendran. He was amazing and gave her a variety of practice questions and insightful feedback to improve her skills and boosted her confidence including the day before her interview - which showed on her actual interview. Thanks to both."
- Serki
We are really thrilled to say that this student went on to receive 3 Medical Offers!

If you’re looking to secure that medical or dental place at your number one university, don’t delay giving is a call! Competition is intense, and those that start early often gain those extra few skills and marks to give them that all important difference leading to an offer!
Give us a call today and through our Doctor lead affordable one-to-one tuition, we can help design your stand out personal statement, smash you UKAT and master your interview skills!
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